The Lange, Pierce, and Related Families Website


The two major lines in this genealogy are those of Dale L. Lange, the originator of this work. His father’s side is Lange; his mother’s side is Pierce. There are, however, many more names in this compilation: Adams, Arndt, Brewer, Bonebright, Bramer, Erdmann, Lakin, McKowan, Moore, Olsen, Stein, Wobermin, Zech, and of course others. Note that the Lange family originates in German-speaking Europe, in Posen, West Prussia, currently in Poland. The Pierce family begins in the United States with Michael Pierce about 1645. Michael’s roots are in England, but with family that may have originated in France, depending on which story is the most credible. Since this work is still an on-going project, there is still much to learn. Any additions or subtractions, with documentation, are willingly received.

If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

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